The devil flew from the sky, fired by god, and yet the devil became more than an anti-angel, it became an anti-god.

As ancient wisdom is being pre-chewed for fast-food loving generations, I have noticed that in particular Stoicism seems to be en vogue. Maybe it’s because it can be summed up rather fast, at least for the production of a self-help book.

The devil was banned to walk the earth. (Tells you a lot about the earth if you ask me). What did it do? Beg for return and forgiveness? I mean technically there’s wooden boxes for that, they even come with an absolving professional.

It went further, creating another kingdom, one that some even pray to. If the devil would walk the earth among us, he probably would be invited to become a motivational speaker. Anyone gets a stage these days, do not worry about the ethics.

Now, you ask me, have you become a Satanist? Who are you siding with here?

To be honest, in times where anti-heroes become the main character, siding with the one that is now the new anti-hero is right, right? Complicated nonetheless.

I am just siding with myself for the moment, creating my own kingdom. What that looks like? Come have a look, you’re (warmly, even burningly?) invited. Just kidding.