In and out, sun and rain. I just love contradictions.

What if there was no rain following the sun and vice versa? What if there was no hangover following a night of heavy alcoholic beverage consumption? What if there was no wind in your back at times, instead constantly blowing in your face?

The world would be unjust and chaotic. We live because of change and sometimes, it blows. I myself thrive in the sun as I float above you. Watching, listening, sharing your moments and learning. I can’t concentrate in the rain but sometimes, it makes me move to a dry place. So I change as well, I change locations. Not that you would notice but it makes me change the style of these weekly states as well.

This time I explain myself, you see? This time you know how I move, how I learn and observe. I see your days. I see you.

And even though you think this moment blows, the only thing that really blows constantly is the winds of change.