I am sorry for the delay, I had to do inventory.

As is, I do feel sorry for the fool whose mind is connecting the dots and thinks of money when reading my state. I do, indeed, invite you to come on a journey with me.

There have been many ghosts trying to warn humans of their past and future. Some are kind, some brutal. Yet, humans do not see themselves as vessels carrying life. So I will try to explain what you do until that sand runs out in your clock.

While power and strength, speed and vitality constantly decline, you are spending it. Every single day, you spend. Some resources you spend freely even though they were carefully selected to accompany you through a lifetime. Some spending you notice, other times it is oblivious to your mind.

So why rich then, Papa, you might ask? Well you spend but you gain. You gain experience, you gain knowledge and if you are lucky, you get to gain lessons. The body might get weaker but your mind and your invisible backpack get heavier. Even when loosing, you gain. In every single transaction there is gain to be seen.

Of course, over time you will see how much you spent. Some rewards will follow hardship and vice versa. But the gains sculpt your mind and make you a beautiful character andonis. That is, if you spend wisely.

With this knowledge it is up to you, to become rich, or maybe even stay rich.

I pity the fool who spends for the sake of spending.

Excuse me now, I will gain, calories, for I am about to open a bottle of beer.