When I push the button, the wheels are getting in motion and I become excited.

I don’t know who pushed the button this time, maybe someone rang the bell or shouted into the void. Yes, I live down here. Yes, sometimes I can hear you.

I guess someone did something, or I would like to think so. Maybe it was you, the person reading this? Did you do it? Did you push the button? I don’t blame you, really, I can understand. Buttons are menacingly sitting there, we push them anyway. It is like a basic urge, wanting to find out what it does. Who is behind this conspiracy? Is it an urge? Are we programmed to push buttons? Are we curious or bored?

Well, all I know is that someone pushed something I got a request. Not too spicy, just good old fashioned stuff. The classics, I would say.

So let’s get started with me, give me a coin. We will need it for the juke box. Get over here, closer! Let’s align our desires for something, we must find a common ground. What do you think? Should we push the button for the beat of next week? What do you request?

Go on and shout it, I will tell you mine. For sure it’s in the jukebox of life.