So bad but so good.
Olive oil, butter and the many greasy things that follow are the foundation upon which the most delicious things slide down.
I have the urge to be the same. By itself, too much. In combination, necessary. I want to be greasy, slippery. Hard to catch, harder to digest. Oh what glorious tastes still await for the keen reader!
When challenging yourself to a new taste, dish or even whole cuisine, it can be quite a lot. The names are terrifying and the process of making them even more so. The culture is different and my palate a virgin. Will I let it be touched by a new sensation? Will I stay in the golden cage of what is known or will I step out into the street and eat from a plastic stool?
We have the comfort, we need the reassurance. But I crave more, I produce more. I want to be the butter and the olive oil. I want to be the greasy in between your grinding gears. I want to be greasy.
Promise it will be tasty.