When people plug their electric devices into the socket through a cable, they will be sure, in most cases, that they will find a recharged and refreshed phone. But how do humans recharge, I have recently asked myself. And as your papa Shanghai is not a human, I have turned to the observation mode.
Major recharging cycles usually happen during the night, both seen in phones as well as humans. Silence ensues over whole countries, only because the sunlight is missing. I wonder who dictated this approach a long time ago?
Still, recharging is not something that can be dialed down to the percentage, as it is in electric devices. So how can we understand when a human is recharged?
When looking at the outer appearance, you can be fooled by the usage of drugs. Caffeine for example, leads us to false-positives.
What I have recently witnessed while floating through time and space, is the usage of so-called naps. They are usually taken during the Waking hours of the day. And measurement is quite simple, I have been told: “a successful nap is followed by a puddle of drool.”
So for today, let us drool. Let’s drool during work, during a movie and let’s drool, together.
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