Eagerly I awaited the bouncer to let me enter into the madhouse of movements. It is said to be freeing. Why the most freeing time begins at 11 PM, I will never be able to tell.

In high expectation of what lies ahead I stretch my joints and muscles. Oh how I will let my brain reign over my movements. I wonder what will guide me. The bass? The brain? The muscles? The melody? All the others? I cannot wait.

Greeted by dim lights and a deep bass I enter. Deeper and deeper I wander into the caves. I feel a bit out of place. Many people around me seem to follow a specific code of dressing, specific movements and even hairstyle. I feel like I should have read a manual before entering here. Is there one?

As I come closer to the room from which the sound looms, I cannot help but notice that the movements of all participants are synced. Is that the melody evoking the dancing style? Or is that also in the manual I skipped out on?

I wonder, is this manual really necessary? Why is the style the same and the movement synchronised across humans? Has this particular style of dancing proven to be the most fun, the most popular or beautiful? Are my movements not allowed in here?

I feel concave, curved inwards. How can I express towards the outside when all I see is no fitting part?

But what do I see there? A bright halo in front of me! And with it, a convex body! Is this what it is about? Forming a unit? Can we change to be convex or concave? And who decided whichever we are?