Fatty fragrance hits my nose and I am stunned.
The guys in causal workwear, not even sure if they work here, ignore the beeps. What else is there to do if there’s nothing but beeps?
The alcohol has led to an epidemic. It is almost 2 in the morning and carbs are in need. What is usually regarded as trash is happily consumed. We are at the epitome of making ourselves happy.
Beeping of all kinds fills the room, making no one nervous but promising sweet relief for those in need of deep fried, frozen goods.
Sweet relief of salty pleasures tickle mu stomach. Heaven for a few minutes for the mishaps of the night.
Beep beep.
I know what’s coming and it repulses me. I love it.
Night leaves a few choices and I am not sure whether I am making the right one. Hello carbs, goodbye stomach.
Beep beep.