Festivities, celebration!
It is that time of the year again, the time that randomly has been chosen to bring light into our winter. Well, if you are lucky to live in a place where it is warm during these months, feel blessed. It is a time to sit back, relax, breathe and unwind. At least that’s how it should be. If it is not, don’t worry! Papa Shanghai has got you covered with this very special weekly review for Christmas 2022! So just leave wherever you are and find a spot with yourself or your loved one. Maybe it’s just you, maybe with your partner in crime, maybe with your pet. But for sure, I’ll be here, preaching, hot from the Wok of my mind. Here we go!
You did a lot, how much, only you can know. You have rewarded yourself, punished yourself as well. Loved and lived, cried and slept. Oh what a rollercoaster it has been. Sometimes I am thinking about myself, floating above my physical form. Isn’t it funny how we look? Don’t take yourself so seriously, we are just fleshy buildings that roam this planet!
I know that you are there, reading this. I hope you are cozy. Tug yourself in, hug yourself! Hug your partner in crime or your pet. Hug a grandma, most of them deserve it! Embrace life for a moment, see how you breathe and read and react. Think of me writing this, connecting us just now! Isn’t it funny how we act?
I know that this time period is busy so I don’t want to take up too much space in your plans. First of all, I would like to thank you for reading. Second, I hope that reading gave you pleasure or a chuckle. I will be here for some time, rest assured! So let’s do something fun together. Ready? Do it as long as you have time. Maybe use some headphones or blast it through the speakers, your choice!
So you see this link here? That’s where music is stored. But not just any music. It’s a tune we will remotely dance to, together! Ready? Grab your whoever is there, or just hug yourself and feel the music. Feel it in your toes, your fingers and your hair. Truly, listen. I wish you a happy festive period. See you soon. Love