Yes, I am here. Stinky cheese in my bag pack and ready to rumble.
Trying for many things, I have found that not trying is sometimes a good recipe. Not only for a weekly dish but for many objectives and desires we inhabit.
Not to be sounding communist but we live in the late and carcinogenic era of capitalism and thereby, forced into consumerism. We follow people with masks and big lips and try to be like them. We worship millionaires with questionable morals and we try to be like them. We see people with different appearance than us and we try to be like them.
In the end, we try. Be like them.
Stopping to try, floating in space. A true recipe for spicy thoughts. Buddhists would call it mindfulness, people selling you self-care call it like that, too. But you don’t need some specific clothing, a label or incense. Just lie back and watch. Yourself, your thoughts, other people. That’s it. It won’t even cost you anything except for time.
As I look back on a period of heterogeneous growth and development, I cannot help but wonder if there is anything else but change as the constant of life. Change is consistent, it cannot be stopped.
The second law of thermodynamics states that the universe strives for entropy. What if we strive for it as well, following and trying, seeking homogenisation and stability. But the arrow goes one way.
So follow the way of the universe, come join me on a cloud. Let’s float on this endless journey and have a look around, it’s mesmerising.