Papa Shanghai´s Takeout

All-organic weirdness

Page 12 of 29

Weekly state: deaf.


We have calculated that now must be the time to start a new cycle, at least for some people. How freeing it must be to think that something will change due to a new number at the end of our date.

For anyone not believing in this, there is a wonderful remedy: Liquor and explosives.

Numbed by a nerve agent and something that is forbidden all year, people look towards the sky and forget. The soup of emotions can be a thrill, and is even too heterogenous to be explained by me.


Push away the darkness by a quick outburst of light. What will happen with this new number? No one knows, so better to head into it, blinded, intoxicated or inebriated and deaf.

What did you say?


Weekly state: frozen.

Wild days these are, forced into hibernation, fed by high-calorie nutrition and fermented beverages.

We celebrate, together and alone. We must adhere to the rules of festivities, it is the law. We are frozen, internally and externally.

We light up our homes and try to push the dark away.

The lights illuminate our faces, our loved ones. But here we are, facing the underbelly of what was hidden all year. The light shines through layers of socialised mannerisms that were carefully established all year.

Some bloom in these times, some are reclusive.

It does not matter whether you are the deer, frozen in the headlights of a speeding vehicle running towards you or the last piece of cheese left behind on the charcuterie board of Christmas.

In the end, you’re all, frozen.

Weekly state: in penance.

Many have wondered, what has PS been up to?

Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

I could blame the rains, the weather, my laziness. But it is very simple to explain, I have been testing out on how many of my dear listeners had a tingle in their ears, that the weekly state was absent and therefore your thoughts, unspiced.

I am remorseful, don’t get me wrong. But I could not let you go on wandering about and never knowing what life is like without spice.

So if you had any withdrawal, I am sorry. But rest assured, I’ll be here, I’ll stay.

Weekly state: interrupted.

Let’s-a gooo!

Mario would’ve said when saving peach. Little did he know, he was doomed.

He was hatching a plan, virtuous, yes, even happy about his upcoming journey. But who would have calculated in turtles that slide you off the plain of this planet? Fireballs, daring jumps? What madness, only to get the princess out of the monkey’s arms.

Some can relate.

I was ready to jump as well, mentally and physically. But yet, a turtle was blocking my way. So I did what Mario would not do,


Weekly state: inebriated.

Yes, it is late. Yes, metaphysical entities are able to be inebriated. What a blessing.

Life seems monotonous, so we find ways of making it interesting. Funny that we need different things, ranging from religion over nutrition all the way to mind-altering substances. Largely legal, still used over the legal limit, how ironic.

The illusion of becoming different, becoming enlightened, is widespread. Real life is altered, is it becoming narrower or wider? The enternal question of advantage and disadvantage, largely fought by those who use or don’t. The middle ground is missing due to the lack of mutual understanding.

Same language, different language.

When handled the wrong way, regret is imminent and punishment is swift. Not even speaking of judgement, we see the consequences of (ab)use instantly. Do we care or do we just like to judge?

I am enjoying my state, in whatever form. I am away from judgement, neither swinging the hammer nor being slashed with it. I am metaphysical, sometimes it pays off. Sometimes you forget.

It’s okay, we all forget sometimes. Just don’t make it a habit.

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