My name is Colin and I am a coin. No one introduces themselves on this vast space that our host P.S. calls a takeout stall. Well, I am taken, out and in. I am being exchanged, traded, even used as a judge.

Throw me in the air, I will show you which path to follow in a universe of endless possibilities. Just by landing on one side, you will have your answer within seconds. How do I do it? You wouldn’t understand.

I have excited for centuries. I have seen all forms life can take. Yet, what I am most curious about is the arrogance of the individual handling me.

I laugh at your egoistic attitude that your throw could alter my complex inner workings, deciding your next step. I laugh at you calling me a medium to transfer goods from one person to another. I smile, together with my colleagues, at your mere understanding of the potential that we bear.

I enable, I conquer. I am your genie, if you just rub me enough.

I am so much more than the materials I am made from, can you say the same about yourself? I take pride in the fact that I can be measured, I know my strength and my limit. I am in the present…. Can you hear me?

He looks closer at the coin.

“Can I help you with anything?”, the store clerk asks.

“I am not sure yet….

….the options are endless.”, he answers, “I’ll have one of the usual and one of the new!”

– “What’s the new?”, the clerk asks.

“Just a moment.”

He takes the coin, looks at it, the coin winks back. He throws it up and both he and the clerk watch it spin in the air.