All-organic weirdness

Category: Thoughts on objects (Page 1 of 4)


In winter I am withdrawn from the happenings of this world. I slumber in what resembles a chilling eternity.

I contemplate on what feel just like yesterday that wind was flowing and I managed to grow beyond my former self. Learning things along the way and greeting my neighbours with a small wave. We are a taciturn community but sometimes, when you listen closely, you can hear us say hello.

I think within the last decades we have become somewhat of an important feature on earth. Which is honestly surprising, seeing that we never talk (except for this maybe). It is even more astonishing, that we are being respected even though we sleep for half a year. Who can be that lazy and still be adored?

I have a lot of time these days, it’s cold outside and I don’t have anything to do. Recuperate maybe. But what’s there to recover if you still have the energy of youth? Blessed with the curse of restlessness.

My outer layers is your canvas right now. I can’t talk but I will judge you. You’re violating my bark for love? Acceptable only when it lasts, otherwise I’ll come back at you. Slapping your window in the night. Or maybe I’ll tell someone to slap it for me. Making you trip over roots. There’s many ways I can reach you.

So better make that bond last.

For this, I am happy to give my bark. I’ll see you in summer, I’ll be prettier. With leaves and all.


I have had many jobs over the years.

I made cowboys seem cool and cleaned teeth. Ubiquitous in streetfood places basically anywhere you can imagine. I should be out of fashion but I can’t seem to be replaced. Have you ever bought one of me or any of my comrades? I guessed so. Let me tell you why.

You see, we are an army. Our barracks are plastic containers and wrappers. We are never alone, our forces stretch all over the globe. Who needs an army this big and covert you might ask. We are basically policing and making sure that everything stays as it should be and you left it before closing your eyes.

Have you ever wondered why so many animals living in your close proximity are cautious of their movements, hiding and scheming? In their elitist mindset humans think it is because they are scared. They are not. Humans are lazy and slow. They are dangerous through their tools only. Without them, they are just stumbling across the globe on two legs. So who keeps the animals in line? Who is making sure that doors are locked when they should be? Who can pierce and block, who can form a bridge, work as a single elite soldiers as well as in a massive formation?

It’s us. We don’t just pick teeth. We pick locks, we block, we lift. We also pierce, as a last resort. You see, you have deemed us as your tool. But who puts us down in strategic locations, together as a bundle of 50 or even 100 soldiers? It is the human. And we thank you, that is why we return.

So put a little effort into appreciating the toothpick. We will take care of the rest. Just think about what is picking your teeth and on which mission that pick might have been last night. If your lucky, they were off duty.


My name is Colin and I am a coin. No one introduces themselves on this vast space that our host P.S. calls a takeout stall. Well, I am taken, out and in. I am being exchanged, traded, even used as a judge.

Throw me in the air, I will show you which path to follow in a universe of endless possibilities. Just by landing on one side, you will have your answer within seconds. How do I do it? You wouldn’t understand.

I have excited for centuries. I have seen all forms life can take. Yet, what I am most curious about is the arrogance of the individual handling me.

I laugh at your egoistic attitude that your throw could alter my complex inner workings, deciding your next step. I laugh at you calling me a medium to transfer goods from one person to another. I smile, together with my colleagues, at your mere understanding of the potential that we bear.

I enable, I conquer. I am your genie, if you just rub me enough.

I am so much more than the materials I am made from, can you say the same about yourself? I take pride in the fact that I can be measured, I know my strength and my limit. I am in the present…. Can you hear me?

He looks closer at the coin.

“Can I help you with anything?”, the store clerk asks.

“I am not sure yet….

….the options are endless.”, he answers, “I’ll have one of the usual and one of the new!”

– “What’s the new?”, the clerk asks.

“Just a moment.”

He takes the coin, looks at it, the coin winks back. He throws it up and both he and the clerk watch it spin in the air.


Hanging, waiting, declaring, procrastination.

Your eyes are dizzy. Where did all the smoke come from? A slight whiff of chlorine from the toilet. But the poster, it has survived all the parties, birthdays, random nights of drunkenness. It has survived your nights and mine.

Back in the day, it was recent. It drew people to an event, to a specific outing. But no one gave it the respect it deserves by throwing it in the trash. Why should it be left here when it served it purpose?

Only humans continue to exist without knowing their purpose, what a treacherous existence that is! Why should a poster with a definite expiry date suffer the same consequences?

Why should the poster watch me drink myself into comfort, into the next hangover? Be part of this repetitive motion of endless grasping for novelty?

Hello poster, it’s me. Papa Shanghai. I have come to tear you down.

Thank you for your services. You have fulfilled your responsibilities beyond the requirement.

I am the repo man. I am the saviour of posters. I am the collector of past times. I am the garbage man of hidden treasures.


You tell me that the worst part about being this good-looking is the vanity that comes with the attention. I am shimmering, shining, even out-shining everything that stands besides me, lives besides me, vegetates. The responsibility of bearing this sheer beauty is immeasurable to the average observer. It is a hard life, believe me. For years, I am in this situation now and it has never gotten easier. But the steadfastness of my will, my stature and my role as an example will carry me throughout this hardship.

I know what you are thinking now, reading this. I can feel the sentiment, the resentment, building up. But this is my role as well, I am here for your anger, frustration and judgment to be deflected, redirected and misdirected at me. Do not worry, I have a good understanding of what you must be going through. And I do even have a better understanding that me saying this, agreeing with you, holding up my other cheek in a good Christian manner for you to slap, makes you even more mad.

Anger is an outburst of emotion, something that urge-driven beings succumb to when reason and logic fail. The very reason for my heightened role in this situation is that I have accepted my position. I bear responsibility for my shining purple skin, seemingly endless beauty, my longevity of being, the impetus that is my core. You are struggling, I can see it. You are worried about the position that your kind has. So you lash out.

Get angry at me. You feel that my vanity is my doom. One scratch to my skin and my frail ego will burst into pieces. You try to hit me with all your might, the anger and blind rage that has been building up, resulting from the collapse of your own ego.

I am scarred.

But here I stand before you, undressed and scarred. You look at me with widened eyes. The anger has vanished but no wisdom has been created. I am shedding myself, slowly. I am making you cry as I loose my outer layer. I am unpacking myself, my new, shiny, beautiful purple skin. I am still standing, nothing has changed. I lost my scar, leaving you with tears in your eyes.

I forgive you.

This is why I am an onion and you are not.

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