All-organic weirdness

Author: PS (Page 7 of 31)


I have had many jobs over the years.

I made cowboys seem cool and cleaned teeth. Ubiquitous in streetfood places basically anywhere you can imagine. I should be out of fashion but I can’t seem to be replaced. Have you ever bought one of me or any of my comrades? I guessed so. Let me tell you why.

You see, we are an army. Our barracks are plastic containers and wrappers. We are never alone, our forces stretch all over the globe. Who needs an army this big and covert you might ask. We are basically policing and making sure that everything stays as it should be and you left it before closing your eyes.

Have you ever wondered why so many animals living in your close proximity are cautious of their movements, hiding and scheming? In their elitist mindset humans think it is because they are scared. They are not. Humans are lazy and slow. They are dangerous through their tools only. Without them, they are just stumbling across the globe on two legs. So who keeps the animals in line? Who is making sure that doors are locked when they should be? Who can pierce and block, who can form a bridge, work as a single elite soldiers as well as in a massive formation?

It’s us. We don’t just pick teeth. We pick locks, we block, we lift. We also pierce, as a last resort. You see, you have deemed us as your tool. But who puts us down in strategic locations, together as a bundle of 50 or even 100 soldiers? It is the human. And we thank you, that is why we return.

So put a little effort into appreciating the toothpick. We will take care of the rest. Just think about what is picking your teeth and on which mission that pick might have been last night. If your lucky, they were off duty.

Weekly state: frolicking.

Sweet juice running through my veins, making me want to touch the flowers and speak with the bees.

The strange longing to be outside with everyone, by yourself.

The feeling I have when someone invites me and I kindly decline. Only to turn up in the late hours.

The pleasure of watching a meadow without actually being burnt in the sun. Instead, being blown by the wind.

Having sunglasses on without any necessity to do so.

Waving to a stranger.

These sentences get shorter but the portrait is painted. It’s the height of summer. Find your moment. Frolick around yourself, with others, frolick to represent the state of frolickenment. This is not a word but if you haven’t noticed the ridiculous nature of my state, your loss.


Weekly state: scrumptious.

I am a ripe plum and I am waiting for the sun.

For days I have ripened and swollen. The rain has cooled me down and I am happy for the aroma. I will be a delight for the Connaisseur, a true pleasure.

Life is mundane for most part. Sleep can be weary and the necessary burden of following a careers is also taking its toll. So earlier rather than later everyone needs some pleasure. Something out of the ordinary, something to tickle the nerves.

Whatever you are thinking of right now, it is me. I am the incarnation of your desire, the delicious, scrumptious delight. Whether your mind is taking you towards something sugary, maybe a pastry? Salty bits like crisps? A cold lemonade in the sun, with pearls streaming down? A beer, so crisp, cold and refreshing that your whole day is blown away be the sensations?

This is me. Plum, ripe, ready to serve you.

I have been waiting.

Weekly state: seasonal.

In and out, sun and rain. I just love contradictions.

What if there was no rain following the sun and vice versa? What if there was no hangover following a night of heavy alcoholic beverage consumption? What if there was no wind in your back at times, instead constantly blowing in your face?

The world would be unjust and chaotic. We live because of change and sometimes, it blows. I myself thrive in the sun as I float above you. Watching, listening, sharing your moments and learning. I can’t concentrate in the rain but sometimes, it makes me move to a dry place. So I change as well, I change locations. Not that you would notice but it makes me change the style of these weekly states as well.

This time I explain myself, you see? This time you know how I move, how I learn and observe. I see your days. I see you.

And even though you think this moment blows, the only thing that really blows constantly is the winds of change.

Weekly state: bouncy.

Squishy are the soles and bouncy the soul.

I am skipping, prancing and running. Jogging and walking. All forms of movement are used to serve the final goal. To make the distance.

Environments slow us down, comfort is the new norm. So much comfort indeed, that we need to actively seek discomfort. What used to be plaguing our ancestors is now a highly traded good, taught by well-paid professionals.

But I run against it. The purest form of moving, which actually helps to not only faster and longer but also away from responsibilities. The mind is empty except for the rhythmic thumping of the bouncy soles.

Bounce bounce, jogger, bounce bounce.

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