All-organic weirdness

Author: PS (Page 10 of 29)

Weekly state: rebooting.

The interior rumbles, one moment, sweet release.

Sometimes it is just about losing something that makes the heart grow fonder. Luckily, as a metaphysical entity, I am easily pleased. So fondness grows in a puddle as much as it does dissolve in an ocean. So when I am sitting back in that puddle, undoubtedly, I will be content.

Sometimes I am losing that puddle, so I sit dry. Oh how I miss the days of having a cool bottom in all the heat of my food stall. So I sweat, I exercise, I fight the drops attacking my eyes.

I know how it is, working with spices. I am trying to dish something that tickles your brain. Most likely, you will dismiss it as something that will pass, something that is strange. Just like a new cuisine. Same as your tongue, your brain will get used to it.

So I am staying in the stall, hot, sweaty, spicy. Until you see the sweat on me. A water? Yes!

I pour it on my seat.

Thank you, I am in the puddle.

In balance, rebooted.

Weekly state: pickled.

Oh my brine, salt and vinegar, fermentation, everything makes stinky stuff shine.

All good things in life are fermented, therefore stinky. I like things that are slightly off. Off from the average, off from the predestined path, off from what is taught in society. I like my characters past the expiration date.

Splashed with external liquids, exposed to the environment. Bacteria, in human and cellular form, good and bad, it all adds to the flavour. I have come to provide a space for your mold to grow. Come here, I’ll put you in a jar, sit on my shelf, cozy from the heat of my burner.

Let’s preserve each other, let’s preserve all these aromas that we have collected over time. It’s all just a matter of taste.

Eggs, cucumbers, fish, humans. Let’s go for something strong, spread our fantastic and magnificent odour.

Loved by some, we will take our place. Slightly off, but pickled.

Weekly state: fed.

I am the last resistance, the final barrier between civility and savageness.

I saw you, indulging. I was there when space was scarce and you continued to expand the business. Whatever happens up there is of little concern, that is how it has always been. My duty calls and often, I am not appreciated. I am sure that all these nutrients must be tasty and that I could surely be exchanged for something more flexible.

I hold high, the tradition of my predecessors. All of those who hold tight, do not bend under pressure. My dear friends, we will stay together.

I am the button of your pants, the reminder of reticence, civility.

Listen to me and you can keep up with those false idols prayed to on the internet. I will tell you, I am the last resort. I am the gate to savagery. I will let you know, where you are done.

I will let you know when you are


Weekly state: incongruous.

Shouldn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t.

I am not a fan of the n’ts in life. The sheer fact that the “not” is already abbreviated shows how little we need to feel the impact of restrictions. Should NOT is too long, too harsh. You feel that there is something stopping you. And after all, we want to keep you a happy subject in the loop.

As many of you very well know, I enjoy the freedom of being a metaphysical entity. For me, the n’ts of this world are incongruous with my personal needs. I do speak to you whenever I wish, which miraculously falls on a Sunday every week.

So when we think about what is supposed to happen, how we should act or what feeling needs to come up, we must also think that these ideals are built on a foundation of n’ts. If the world of humans would be built on a positive definition of behavioural structures, we might as well end up in anarchy? OR! Do we end up in bliss? I am willing to try.

Step out a little, be inappropriate. Be incongruous, with the world. Be authentic, with yourself.


My name is Colin and I am a coin. No one introduces themselves on this vast space that our host P.S. calls a takeout stall. Well, I am taken, out and in. I am being exchanged, traded, even used as a judge.

Throw me in the air, I will show you which path to follow in a universe of endless possibilities. Just by landing on one side, you will have your answer within seconds. How do I do it? You wouldn’t understand.

I have excited for centuries. I have seen all forms life can take. Yet, what I am most curious about is the arrogance of the individual handling me.

I laugh at your egoistic attitude that your throw could alter my complex inner workings, deciding your next step. I laugh at you calling me a medium to transfer goods from one person to another. I smile, together with my colleagues, at your mere understanding of the potential that we bear.

I enable, I conquer. I am your genie, if you just rub me enough.

I am so much more than the materials I am made from, can you say the same about yourself? I take pride in the fact that I can be measured, I know my strength and my limit. I am in the present…. Can you hear me?

He looks closer at the coin.

“Can I help you with anything?”, the store clerk asks.

“I am not sure yet….

….the options are endless.”, he answers, “I’ll have one of the usual and one of the new!”

– “What’s the new?”, the clerk asks.

“Just a moment.”

He takes the coin, looks at it, the coin winks back. He throws it up and both he and the clerk watch it spin in the air.

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